RTB®/4steps Addiction Counselors 

Our team of counselors is highly trained in addiction counseling and brings valuable personal experience with addiction, whether as former users or as family
members of individuals affected by substance abuse. We prioritize the combination of personal insight and specialized expertise in digital addiction counseling. Additionally, we have extensive proficiency in the application of the 12-Step program.

Susanne Bech Simonsen

Founder and Board member 
M.S. Health Psych. RTB/4Steps Neuro Transformation Addiction and Family Counselor. Cert. NGH NLP Hypnotherapist
Cer. CTM, ICM, ACT Housing First Counselor

Erik Rørbye

Chairperson, Denmark
RTB/4Steps Addiction Counselor
25+ Years of Sobriety Experience

Cer. RTB/4steps Neuro Transformation Addiction Counselor

More info coming

Pernille Linne

Board Member
RTB/4Steps Family Counselor
Experienced Family Member and Educator specializing in supporting children with challenges and developmental diagnoses.

Linda Bendix

Online support.